Infuse Health

Fuel your organization’s growth with qualified demand generation


demand generation for healthcare providers, payers, and life sciences audiences

Precision targeting

with scalable audiences

15M+ B2B healthcare profiles

900K+ healthcare companies

Curated network of B2B healthcare publications

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Our Reviews

5-Star Rating
“INFUSE are amazing at getting real, qualified leads through to the sales team to be nurtured upon.”

Santiago C

Head of Marketing

“I absolutely love every interaction I've had with everyone at INFUSE so far. I'm usually a tough critic, but this team is simply on another level. Their client centricity is flabbergasting.”

Stéphanie M.

Marketing Director

“They are terrific at scoping a project and providing qualified leads. We had a project where we were targeting a very specific persona in healthcare. They deliver top notch, quality leads.”

Gretchen L.

Strategic Marketing Manager

“They provide high-quality content, context, clear personas and ICPs; they will turn campaigns back in no time.”

Celine K.

VP Marketing

INFUSE Health Insights

Curated articles, reports, and research from our demand experts